Based in Pavlograd, Ukraine, VELOMIR is a local bicycle store that saw the need to update their website. They wanted a more streamlined online shopping experience and a design that was easy for customers to navigate.

I was involved in every aspect of the project—from initial conception through to the final launch. Taking on the full spectrum of responsibilities from backend API and database design to frontend application development and DevOps tasks required for deployment. The project also demanded a creative touch, leading me to design a fresh brand identity and logo that reflects the essence of cycling.

This project represented my first foray into managing large-scale tasks. It served as an enlightening experience, enhancing my abilities to handle complex projects.

Tech Stack

My technology stack included a selection of frameworks and libraries I was already familiar with, as this was crucial for meeting the project deadline. Therefore, I opted for a JavaScript-based environment, ensuring a smoother development process.

In the end, I settled for Next.js, SCSS, Express, PostgreSQL, TypeORM, and TypeScript.


In the development of the user interface, I started with basic sketches that outlined the essential components I needed to create, such as the header navigation, shopping cart, and product list. Unlike having a fully mocked-up UI with every detail pre-defined, this allowed me to refine and add details iteratively during the development process. This approach helped me quickly create real, working parts of the site, letting me try out and put ideas into action effectively.

Also, to complement the site's visual identity, I designed a logo using Figma. The logo represents a blend of a wheel and the world. For the font family used in the logo, I chose Kharkiv Tone by Katya Drozd.


Looking back, this project stands as a transformative journey, leading to an improved digital presence for VELOMIR, and significant valuable experience for myself.

  • Frontend Development

  • Backend Development

  • Web Design

  • Logo